Characteristics of the sexual secretion of the woman is used a clear indicator of his health. Discharge during sex — a phenomenon, programmed by nature itself. This process is quite complex. To understand where the norm, and where there is pathology, it is necessary to have something of knowledge. In some cases, it is worth vigilant and contact the doctor for advice, and sometimes discharge the message that health is all right.

Characteristics of secretions when excited
In intimacy, most often of the vagina moistened. And the more enhanced by the attraction to the partner, the more intense stands out lubricant. It is a colorless mucus, no smell.
As usual with women performing about 5 ml lubricant per day. With the increase of the excitement, the mystery begins to produced more intensively. This is achieved thanks to the inflow of blood to the vaginal walls and stimulation of the sex glands. Discharge during sex occur rare or abundant. Usually the most lubricant excels in the height of pleasure.
Similar to secrets of the performs simultaneously several important functions, it allows you to:
- make sex more comfortable, facilitates the introduction and the slide;
- to minimize the ingress of foreign micro-organisms, forming a protection from bacteria and infections.
The lubricant also helps to create a suitable environment for the sperm during the fertile period. It increases the chances of conception.
White liquid
Often women notice in each other during sex, white discharge a thick consistency, like cream. On the forums, dealing with medical subjects, usually no one really can not give a distinct explanation of such a phenomenon. Many recommend to go to the clinic and examined for infection. But experienced doctors say that the white copious discharge is during sexual act does not need to haunt.
If the secret different homogeneous consistency, is odorless and is not accompanied by itching or burning, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Gynecologists explain that such mucus is produced in certain days of the menstrual cycle. The hormonal background is constantly changing, estrogen becomes something more, something less. Similar substance as one and are responsible for the character of the loose mucus.
The lubricant is produced by not only the vagina but also the uterus, such secrets are called cervical fluid. Through his sperm get into the egg. In other words, it is a repository for the seed, allowing him to survive in the acidic environment, the attention the vagina.
Phase of the menstrual cycle
The character of the mucus released from the vagina, depends on exactly what stage of sexual intercourse. At the beginning of the cycle, secretion a little, it's transparent and different watery consistency. In this period, the mucilage is a kind of barrier, which was formed in the cervical canal. A cork will hold harmful micro-organisms, not allowing them to get into the uterus.
With the approaching period of ovulation increases the level of hormone which has effect on the body, including the sexual system. At that time a rich selection of in intimacy — a common phenomenon. Vaginal mucus gets a viscous consistency and becomes alkaline. Thick lubricants acquires the smell of egg whites, its color — white or cream.
When ovulation takes place, vaginal secret is excreted in smaller quantities. In terms of sexual mucus it is possible to understand, what is now the stage of fertility, and it is possible to get pregnant. I didn't understand what time is most suitable for fertilization, it is necessary to pay attention to the character of the vaginal mucus:

- Thin discharge usually observed monthly salary before and after them. Dryness in the vagina talking about the fact that fertilization is impossible.
- Sticky liquid, quickly dried up on the toes, it shows that sperm little chance of survival.
- A similar cream mucus indicates impending ovulation period. At this time, the likelihood of pregnancy increases.
- Stringy discharge white in color, reminiscent of the protein, show a high probability of conception.
After ovulation, estrogen decreases, resulting in cervical fluid loses its ability to maintain the seed. The character of the lubricant can affect other factors:
- a violation of hormonal background;
- frequent stress;
- the use of drugs;
- infectious diseases;
- allergies;
- gynecological diseases;
- diseases of the feet.
If there is lubricant excels in the intimacy in large quantities, it does not mean that he has health problems. To determine the volume of mucus the likelihood of conception, it is necessary to enter two fingers deep into the vagina, get them and evaluate the fluid. The vaginal method can be informative only provided that there is no gynecological diseases.
Often thick discharge during sex is indicative of bacterial vaginosis. They may have a yellowish, greenish or nearly white tint. Liquid emits the smell of rotten fish. In intimacy can bother the itching and burning.
White mucus like cottage cheese consistency with the smell of the yogurt most often it is a symptom of yeast infection (candidiasis). Smelly discharge after intercourse can testify about the availability of, such as sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.
If after sexual intercourse in women are experiencing a lot of lubrication, then this secretion may be caused by mixing, discharge from the vagina and male sperm. Often this mixture varies a yellowish tint and emits the smell of egg whites. Typically, the liquid does not carry any discomfort.
A rich selection of in the vicinity may be associated with the woman's hypersensitive. Then such a phenomenon is not caused by pathology. A small amount of lubricant during sexual act can testify about the changes of acid-base balance or deterioration of the microflora. Sometimes lubricants not quite so, the most common reason that a drought is in the hormonal failure.
Intimate hygiene
A strong accent is not troubled, it is necessary to follow simple rules of intimate hygiene. It is important to regularly take a shower, use for cleaning the genital area of special formulations. These funds can be purchased in the pharmacy, they will allow you to maintain the normal microflora and reduce the risk of developing thrush.
So, in the intimacy of the vagina secretes mucus due to the work of the sex glands. In the absence of disease is a liquid white color, can signal the oncoming ovulation period. You need to focus on the character of the secretion and the change of its color, smell and consistency at different times.

If troubled by itching or burning, it is best to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examination. It will reveal the true cause of the unpleasant asylum and solve the problem.